Monday, January 11, 2010


-- I --

She stood at the door,

Her silver stance glazed to the floor,

Staring at the distant waves,

Staring at the shore,

She starts to walk out the framed picture door,

Her hands held up to a gentle wave,

The Lapping oceans,

Solemn glimpses,

Kissed teardrops,

All waving back to an addiction,

Born within the gates

Of love and sedition,

The departure of a borrowed time,

Gone, gone forever,

With its solitary ravages and its sun lit fires,

She stood and waved a final sigh,

She waved good-bye.


There was sand at her feet,

Flight in her eyes,

Within her sights was the frozen beach,

Within her sights lay cities seized,

Within her eyes swam pink rabbits and honey bees,

Run stains scattered across wonton seas,

Still she waves standing at my door,

My eyes are glued to the floor.

There is a soft water that does flow,

From the ducts emerge a hollow glow,

Watching a drop as it falls

To the carpet on the floor,

She still stands there waving, at my door.

So cruel- so cruel- a maiden of ice,

A time- a life- lived full to its size,

Into the oceans, droplets a dime,

Giving birth to the now and now of time,

The lucid halo of a sun that is a rising,

The golden brew in the golden light is shining,

And as she walks out her steps

Steps that are rhyming.

Why do you continue to be gone?

Did you not hear?

The beach is back!

A start has begun,

A river with its hosts,

Icy maidens and their sand driven ghosts,

You and me ,


Observing weirdly,

What we could have been,

Our weakness in our words,

The demons in these worlds,

The distance in these clouds,

All silver trinkets,

All silver moons and silver Junes,

And I’ll be back soons’.

The car door shuts,

The engine growls,

A black puff and a floating sound,

I see my feet turning around.

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